Polymorphism and topological features of compounds with the general formula A+1-xB2+x{M2+xM3+1-x [BP2O8(OH)]} (where x = 0, 1): Synthesis and structure refinement of Rb{V[BP2O8(OH)]}, analysis of the ion-migration paths, and comparative crystal chemistry of vanadium borophosphates 
29 December 2021

PUB20211229Sergey M. Aksenov, Julia S. Mironova, Natalia A. Yamnova, Anatoly S. Volkov, Olga V. Dimitrova, Olga A. Gurbanova, Dina V. Deyneko, Vladislav A. Blatov, Sergey V. Krivovichev Polymorphism and topological features of compounds with the general formula A+1-xB2+x{M2+xM3+1-x [BP2O8(OH)]} (where x = 0, 1): Synthesis and structure refinement of Rb{V[BP2O8(OH)]}, analysis of the ion-migration paths, and comparative crystal chemistry of vanadium borophosphates. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2022, 122831. doi: 10.1016/j.jssc.2021.122831 IF 3.498

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