Home / Publications / Phase Relations of Iron Carbides Fe2C, Fe3C, and Fe7C3 at the Earth’s Core Pressures and Temperatures
Phase Relations of Iron Carbides Fe2C, Fe3C, and Fe7C3 at the Earth’s Core Pressures and Temperatures
1 December 2020
N.E. Sagatov, P.N. Gavryushkin, I.V. Medrish, T.M. Inerbaev, K.D. Litasov Phase Relations of Iron Carbides Fe2C, Fe3C, and Fe7C3 at the Earth’s Core Pressures and Temperatures. Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2020, 61 (12), 1345–1353. doI: 10.15372/RGG2019146 IF 1.150
Tags: Inna V. Medrish, Q2, Samara State Technical University, Samara University
Home / Publications / Phase Relations of Iron Carbides Fe2C, Fe3C, and Fe7C3 at the Earth’s Core Pressures and Temperatures