In his lecture Dr. Kostakis outlined the present-day scientific trends in the field of molecular-based magnets, a group of substances, molecules of which has magnetic moment. He also acquainted the audience with his research achievements and prospective problem areas which can be solved jointly by our research teams.
Molecular-based magnets, according to the observations of Dr. Kostakis, have not only magnetic moment, but also catalytic properties, and therefore can be used as catalysts. Basing on his practically “manual” analysis, Dr. Kostakis revealed some regularities which enable predicting catalytic properties of substances. An important task for us is to amplify revealed regularities applying our methods and ToposPro in particular.
Dr. Kostakis told about Polynuclear Inorganic Clusters Database (PICD) which was developed jointly with Samara Center for Theoretical Materials Science researchers – Prof. Vladislav Blatov and Prof. Davide Proserpio. Our guest reported on PICD current state, prospects of its development and search for new regularities.
The open lecture of Dr. Kostakis aroused a keen interest of SCTMS staff and lead to the discussion of further scientific cooperation plan of Dr. Kostakis and the Center.
Next visit of Dr. Kostakis is scheduled for May 2016. For his visit future research work with SCTMS fellows - Alexander Shevchenko, Evgeny Aleksandrov and Vladislav Blatov has been planned.