SCTMS staff spoke at a conference in St. Petersburg 
3 July 2024

20240703-01Dr. Yelizaveta Morkhova and Dr. Natalya Kabanova presented oral reports at the XX International Meeting on Crystal Chemistry, X-Ray and Spectroscopy of Minerals and the VI International Meeting on Organic Mineralogy. The double conference was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Department of Crystallography of St. Petersburg State University and the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg State University itself. The events took place from June 17 to June 21, 2024.

The meeting was organized by the St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU), the Russian Mineralogical Society (RMS), the RMS Commission on Crystal Chemistry, X-Ray and Spectroscopy of Minerals, and the RMS Commission on Organic Mineralogy and Biomineralogy.

Elizaveta and Natalya presented reports in the section “Theoretical-crystal-chemical approaches in modern mineralogy”. The meeting took place at the Mineralogical Museum on Universitetskaya Embankment.

Yelizaveta Morkhova presented a report “Study of conductivity in Na6M2(CO3)4SO4 (M = Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) with a tychite structure.” The study work is being carried out jointly with A. Shindrov (Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the RAS) and A. Kabanov. The work was carried out within the framework of the Russian Science Foundation grant 23-73-01067 “High-performance theoretical search and synthesis of new promising sodium-conducting materials for solid-state metal-ion batteries.”

Yelizaveta also acted as a co-author in the poster report of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher of Faculty of Physics in Moscow State University V. Voronkova “Theoretical and experimental studies of oxygen-conducting rare earth molybdates KLn4Mo3O15F (Ln = La, Pr, Nd)” (with co-authors: E. Orlova, E. Kharitonova) in the section “General issues of inorganic crystal chemistry and structural mineralogy.”

Natalya Kabanova made a presentation “Studying the relationship between hardness and topology of cavities in the crystalline structure for minerals.” Natalya created a database including 20 minerals with maximum hardness and tilings were calculated for each of the mineral structures. The work was carried out within the framework of the Russian Science Foundation grant 22-13-00062 “Topological methods for the design of crystal structures and targeted search for new superhard materials.”