The staff of SCTMS took part in the conference “Kinetics and mechanism of crystallization” 
26 September 2023

20230926-02Ulyana Plotnik and Dr. Alexander Shevchenko presented joint research related to machine forecasting at the XII International Scientific Conference “Kinetics and mechanism of crystallization. Crystallization and new generation materials”. The conference took place from September 18 to 22, 2023 in Ivanovo.

The stated topic of the conference included a discussion of the fundamental principles of the creation of crystalline materials, functional and structural materials of a new generation, materials for medicine and biocrystallization.

Senior Research Scientist at the Laboratory of Crystal Chemistry and Crystal Design, Dr. Alexander Shevchenko, gave a presentation on “Machine prediction of free space properties based on data on the structures of homoleptic coordination compounds”.

Research Assistant Ulyana Plotnik presented a report “Predicting the properties of building blocks of homoleptic complexes using methods of machine analysis of crystal structural data”.