Diploma of II degree in the competition of reports, presentation at the plenary session and a master class 
4 December 2022

20221204-04Employees of SCTMS took part in the Second School of Young Scientists "Electrochemical Devices: Processes, Materials, Technologies", which was held from November 28 to November 30, 2022 in Novosibirsk on the basis of Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the RAS.

The school included 93 reports, 24 invited lecturers, 105 participants from all over the country, including reputable institutions: Moscow State University, Skoltech, IHTE Ural Branch of RAS, St. Petersburg State University, Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of RAS, as well as scientific centers of competence (NTI Competence Center for "Technologies for creating new and portable sources").

Dr. Artem Kabanov made an invited report "Modern modeling methods and directed search for new crystalline ionic conductors" in the plenary session.

Alexander Antonyuk presented an accurate poster presentation "Search for promising ion-conducting compounds with multivalent cations". Alexander's research was conducted jointly with Dr. Yelizaveta Morkhova and Dr. Artem Kabanov. Aleksandr Antonyuk took the second place out of 69 participants in the poster competition.

Dr. Yelizaveta Morkhova participated online and presented a poster "Theoretical and experimental research carried out in the structures of Ln2MoO6 (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy)".

Professor Vladislav Blatov held a master class on predicting ionic conductivity using the ToposPro software package.

The Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry of the SB of RAS organized the school for young scientists for the second time. The school aims to discuss the current state and prospects of research in the field of actual energy, solid state chemistry and materials science. Among the attractive works there were: the concentration of physical and chemical processes in power sources in Japan; technologies for the production of current sources; new materials for power engineering, including nanoscale and composite materials; theoretical and practical aspects of solid state chemistry in power sources of the East.

In addition to participating in the conference, Dr. Artem Kabanov and Alexander Antonyuk visited the laboratory of N. Kosova at the ISSCM of SB of RAS and discussed plans for future work. Our center has a long-term cooperation with this laboratory.