The projects of SCTMS employees are focused on the design and development of new materials. For the next 2 years porous materials, alloys and various kinds of conductors will be closely monitored by small research groups (up to 4 people). The average grant for each project is 1.49 million rubles per year.
Under the leadership of Prof. Alexander Krutov the development of new porous materials based on three-periodic surfaces will be carried out, as well as the theoretical and experimental study of their thermomechanical properties (22-23-00300).
Dr. Olga Blatova will develop a hybrid topological-quantum-mechanical method for the design of high-entropy alloys (22-23-00322).
The study of conducting materials will be carried out by Dr. Natalya Kabanova, the topic of her project is "Directed search for new promising oxygen-ion conductors using new generation prediction methods" (22-23-00355) and Dr. Pavel Zolotarev with the work "Development of methods for the search for promising proton-conducting materials based on metal-organic frameworks "(22-23-00506).