On April 11–17, Dr. Eugeny Alexandrov and Dr. Andrey Sokolov being at the INEOS RAS from of carried out X-ray diffraction studies of the samples of metal-organic coordination compounds obtained at the SCTMS. It was possible to decipher two new structures of potential electric current conductors. Dr. Alexandrov made a presentation at the seminar of the Laboratory of X-ray Structural Research at the INEOS RAS.
It’s hardly the first working trip of the head of the laboratory for the synthesis of new crystalline materials of SCTMS Dr. Eugeny Alexandrov to the INEOS RAS - our research centers have been cooperating many years. This time, Dr. Andrey Sokolov, who studies and synthesizes metal-organic coordination compounds, joined the delegation. In this business trip the work was carried out in cooperation with Ph.D., senior researcher of the laboratory of X-ray structural studies Dr. Anna Vologzhanina on a Bruker SMART APEX DUO single-crystal diffractometer and a Bruker D8 Advance Vario powder diffractometer.
The work was carried out within the framework of the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 18-73-10116 on the topic "Methods of topological design of coordination polymers".