The Russian Foundation for Basic Research has supported the application of Professor Vladislav Blatov in the competition for financial support for the preparation and publication of scientific review articles in 2020 ("Expansion").
The main goal of the competition is to support "the expansion and strengthening of the international authority of national knowledge bases (banks), including journals and their collections," which will help to increase the rating of Russian scientific journals in international scientific citation systems. According to the terms of the competition, the research team within six months must create a review article on the selected topic and send it to the editorial office of a journal published in Russian Federation and included in one of the bibliographic databases – Web of Science, Scopus, Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
The topic of a future article by our employees is "Topological methods of analysis and design of coordination polymers." The team of authors including the SCTMS director Prof.Vladislav Blatov, the head of the laboratory for the synthesis of new crystalline materials Dr. Eugeny Alexandrov, senior researcher at the laboratory of crystal chemistry and crystal design Dr. Alexander Shevchenko and junior researcher at the same laboratory – Dr. Nadezhda Nekrasova.