SCTMS employees gave invited lectures and a master-class on working with the ToposPro software package.
A report by Prof. Vladislav Blatov “Materials prediction: a combination of topological and DFT approaches” was devoted to reviewing topological methods for the analysis of structures developed at the SCTMS, including special hybrid approaches in which topological methods are combined with DFT-methods and evolutionary algorithms. Aleksandr Shevchenko in his report “Prediction of the structure of coordination compounds by topological methods” examined the use of topological methods for the analysis and prediction of the structures of coordination compounds, paying particular attention to the use of machine learning in the analysis of large volumes of experimental data.
One day of ISCSP & AM was completely devoted to the scientific school on the ToposPro software package developed at the SCTMS. Prof. Vladislav Blatov and Aleksandr Shevchenko conducted a 6-hour master-class on the basics of working with ToposPro. The symposium was organized by the recently created International Centre for Materials Discovery at Northwestern Polytechnical University (Xi’an). Prof. Vladislav Blatov is an employee of this center. ISCSP & AM was attended by about 80 researchers from China, Japan, South Korea, and Switzerland.
“Our cooperation with China is developing rapidly, – Prof.Vladislav Blatov says, – the new International Centre for Materials Discovery was created namely as the Russian-Chinese center; its director is Skolteh professor Artyom Oganov. Our plans include further development of the methods implemented into ToposPro and their application for predicting new classes of materials. We work with several Chinese research groups. In the near future, an exchange of students and young employees between the Northwestern Polytechnical University and the Samara State Technical University will be organized. The past symposium is the first scientific event organized under the auspices of our center. Of course, the symposium contributed to the further strengthening of scientific contacts between Russia and China”.