The conference was organized by the Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry of the SB RAS (ISSC SB RAS, Novosibirsk) and Novosibirsk State University. The conference was dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of the ISSC SB RAS. It was planned as a forum for the exchange of experience and ideas in the field of fundamental problems of solid state chemistry. Conference topics also included a discussion of studies of the mechanisms of solid-state reactions, the properties of a substance in metastable states, chemical processes in additive technologies, the creation of new materials by using solid-state methods. The scientific program of the conference included invited lectures and oral presentations as well as a poster session. More than 200 reports were presented by leading russian and foreign scientists – experts in the field of solid state chemistry and chemical materials science, as well as graduate students and students of institutes of the SB RAS and RAS, universities of Novosibirsk and other Russian cities.
Artem Kabanov spoke in the section "New analytical tools and approaches to investigation of solid-state processes", where he presented report "A new comprehensive theoretical approach for analysis of cation diffusion processes in the mixed phase Na(2-x)LixFePO4F". In his speech, Artem have presented the latest results obtained as part of joint work with the Institute of ISSC SB RAS on the study of mixed lithium-sodium (de)intercalation in the promising cathode material Na2FePO4F for lithium and sodium metal-ion batteries.
In his report Artem have also presented to the scientific community the database batterymaterials.info, which is created as part of the work on the youth grant of the Russian Science Foundation 19-73-10026. The creation of this database will make it possible to take a significant step forward in the search for suitable materials for high-valent metal-ion batteries, as well as to establish possible correlations between the structure and ion-conducting properties of solids.