More than 1000 participants from 48 countries presented their scientific developments and the latest advances in crystallography and related sciences. The conference program included plenary lectures and keynote lectures, 44 scientific microsymposia, divided into 5 areas, 4 general interest microsymposia with popular science reports and discussion of general scientific problems, a poster presentations, tutorial sessions and exhibitions. Among the areas of the conference were Biological and Macromolecular Crystallography, Materials and Minerals, Physical Including Fundamental Crystallography, Chemical Crystallography, Experimental and Computational Techniques.
Eugeny Alexandrov held a training workshop in Tutorial Sessions “TopCryst” Knowledge About the Topology of Crystal Structures” and presented a poster on the topic “Crystallochemical Computational Tools, Web Services, Databases, and Approaches for Joining Researchers Over the World” in the microsymposium of general interest “How to… Successfully Collaborate as a Crystallographer”.
Yelizaveta Morkhova presented the poster on the topic “Combination of Data Mining and DFT Modeling of Ag+-Conductivity In S(Se)-Containing Inorganic Compound ” in the area “Physical and fundamental crystallography”.
Ekaterina Vaganova gave an oral talk “Rules for Designing Rod Metal-Organic Frameworks: A Topological Approach” in the microsymposium “Tuning Crystalline Frameworks and Their Applications Through Structural Design and Polymorphism” (focus area – Chemical Crystallography).