The research scientists of SCMTS Nadezhda Nekrasova and Andrey Golov took part in 3rd International School-Conference of Young Scientists “Topical Problems of Modern Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Materials Science” held on September 23-26, 2018 in Skoltech. The conference was initiated and organized by Skoltech Center for Electrochemical Energy Storage (CEE).
Seventy-four young scientists from Russia, China and European countries took part in the conference. They presented poster reports and took part in the educational program of the school-conference. Nadezhda Nekrasova made the report “Exploration of Ag-ion migration in Ag2S*CdS*3SnS2 with disordered structure: a combination of density functional theory and topological analysis”, and Andrey Golov presented the poster “A new approach for the comprehensive analysis of the diffusion process in crystalline ion conductors with point defects”.
Among the lecturers of the school-conference were: Claude Delmas (Bordeaux Institute of Condensed-Matter Chemistry, France), Shinichi Komaba (Kyoto University, Japan), An Hardy (University Hasselt, Belgium), Chris Pickard (University of Cambridge, UK), Hubert Girault (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland), Caleb Alexander and Olja Simoska (University of Texas at Austin, USA), Stanislav Fedotov and Victoria Nikitina (Skoltech) and others. The topics of lectures and reports included electrocatalysis in metal-air batteries and electrochemical intercalation, syntheses of inorganic materials for electrochemical energy storage, new electrode materials for ionic batteries.
Last conference day the participants went on excursion to the laboratories of Skoltech Center for Electrochemical Energy Storage. Skoltech staff members demonstrated equipment and instruments of the Lab of advanced solid electrolytes and cathode materials and the Lab of electrochemical properties of synthesized materials.