A research assistant of SCTMS, Elizaveta Timofeeva made a poster presentation at the 14th International Meeting 2018 “Fundamental Problems of Solid State Ionics” (September 9-13, 2018, Chernogolovka, Russia).
The meeting “Fundamental Problems of Solid State Ionics” is held every second year and is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Eugene A. Ukshe, a founder of the first Russian laboratory of solid electrolytes.
The main topics of the 14th Meeting include ionic conductors: synthesis, structure, properties, and mechanisms of ion transport; electrode processes and electrocatalysis on Interfaces; experimental and theoretical study of processes in ion-conducting and electroconducting materials; application perspectives of solid state electrochemical devices: fuel cells, Li-ion batteries, ionistors, sensors and others. During the meeting, the Second School of Young Scientists “Materials for New Electrochemical Power Sources” and Technology Contest “First Element” were held.
Over 250 researchers from Russia, Republic of Korea, Lithuania and Poland took part in the meeting. Elizaveta Timofeeva contributed to the poster session with the presentation “Simulation of ionic conductivity of multivalent cations in inorganic compounds”.