Prof. Vladislav Blatov gave a report as an invited speaker at the 43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC 2018) held during July 30 to August 4, 2018 in Sendai (Japan).
Since the beginning of ICCC in 1950, it attracts researchers from all over the world for exchange of the latest knowledge concerning coordination chemistry and related areas. ICCC is the largest meeting of chemists, physicists, biologists, medicinal scientists and other experts in interdisciplinary areas of coordination chemistry. In 2018, ICCC was organized in Japan for the third time.
The program included several plenary, keynote, and invited lectures, contributed talks, and poster presentations. In addition, there was the conference for young researchers - “Rising Star Symposium”. Over 2,000 scientists from around the globe took part in ICCC 2018. One thousand reports were presented at sixty sessions.
Prof. Blatov, the only Russian participant from 24 speakers in the session “Solid state reactivity and structural transformations” presented the report “Topological aspects of structural transformations”. He spoke about topological methods of description and prediction of reconstruction phase transitions in solids as applied to coordination polymers and MOFs.