“I consider this synthesis as a milestone event in SCTMS development, - Prof. Vladislav Blatov comments. – SCTMS of SSTU is very young; it was officially established in late 2017. However, during this short period with the support of the university administration we succeeded to achieve our long-held ambition – to begin practical implementation of our theoretical predictions of novel crystal matters and materials at our own laboratory. Until now, our scientists had to conduct experimental works at partner laboratories abroad. Now we are able to carry out practical verification of theoretical models promptly, advance their development and design novel materials not only on-screen”.
At present, two samples (HKUST-1 or MOF-199 and MIL-101) were synthesized at SCTMS. These materials possess high porosity on micro- and mesolevels, good stability and sorption properties to light hydrocarbons, air components, gaseous and liquid effluents. Jointly with the head of the Department of physical chemistry and chromatography Prof. Liudmila Onuchak SCTMS researchers intend to analyze energy-efficient synthesis methods of these materials, produce composite materials based on them (subsidence of nanoparticles on carriers of macro size), to study texture characteristics by means of microscopy and adsorption analysis and to determine separation efficiency of various gas mixtures.
Metal-organic frameworks possess relevant practical values as functional materials with nanoscale monodisperse pores and high catalytic activity, valuable sorption, optical, magnetic and electric properties. They are promising as sorbents, liquid and gas accumulators, catalysts, magnetic materials, etc.
According to Dr. Eugeny Aleksandrov, MOFs being a new type of materials, have already attracted attention of scientists internationally thanks to diversity of their structures and properties. Practical applications of MOFs go back about ten years, but unfortunately, only abroad. “Thanks to the support of SSTU, - Eugeny Aleksandrov says, - we have real opportunities to develop production technologies of novel materials and apply them in energy-efficient gas separation. In order to promote this area of our work we prepared and submitted grant applications to two scientific foundations. Moreover, we cooperate with the engineering and industrial company BACS”.
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