Prof. Vladislav Blatov, Artem Kabanov and Roman Eremin took part in the XIV International conference "Topical problems of energy conversion in lithium electrochemical systems” on September 11 – 15, 2016 in Suzdal, Russia. Artem and Roman also participated in satellite school on electrochemical energy storage.
The conference program included sessions in the following subject areas: thermodynamics and kinetics of Li-ion intercalation and deintercalation processes in electrode materials, liquid, pseudo-solid and solid (polymer and inorganic) electrolytes; synthesis and properties of new electrode materials for lithium current source, lithium-metal chemical generators, macrokinetics in electrochemical systems, experimental research methods of Li electrochemical systems; theoretical foundations of production, conversion and recycling of Li lithium current sources; Na-ion and other metal-ion batteries, nonaqueous electrolytes for supercapacitor.
SCTMS researchers presented three oral reports: «Na conductivity in NaxMeXO4 (Me = Fe, Mn, X = P, As) olivine-type materials» (А. Kabanov), «Prediction of potassium solid electrolytes properties by means of density functional theory calculations» (R. Еremin) and «Modeling and forecasting of ionic conductivity in solid state» (V. Blatov).
After official close of the conference the satellite school for young researchers on electrochemical energy storage was opened. The school was organized by Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology and Lomonosov Moscow State University on September 15-18, 2016. The school program included a large lecture course of invited experts in electrochemical power industry including J.-M. Tarascon (Collège de France, Paris), Yu. Dobrovolskii (Institute of Solid State Physics RAS), Y. Shao-Horn (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), E.R. Savinova (University of Strasbourg), K. Stevenson (CEE CREI, Skoltech) and others.
The school also included the poster session where Roman Eremin and Artem Kabanov presented their scientific achievements together with representatives of other leading Russian electrochemical schools: Lomonosov Moscow State University, A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS, Saint Petersburg State University, the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry (Ural Branch RAS, Yekaterinburg), the Institute of Organic Chemistry (Ufa), Voronezh State University (Voronezh), Saratov State University (Saratov), Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry (Siberan Branch RAS, Novosibirsk), South Federal University (Rostov-on-Don), Ural Federal University (Yekaterinburg).