The IUPAC project meeting was dedicated to the topic “Topology representations in coordination networks, metal-organic frame works and other crystalline materials”.
The organizers: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), the International Union of Crystallography, Samara Center for Theoretical Materials Science.
The IUPAC project meeting became a significant scientific event for SCTMS, Samara State University and Samara Region as well. The IUPAC representatives from Australia, Brazil, Italy, Russia, South Korea, Sweden, Republic of South Africa and USA gathered together in Samara to discuss issues of chemical language standardization.
Among the participants were:
- Prof. Lars Öhrström, IUPAC project chair, Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden;
- Prof. Michael O’Keeffe, Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA;
- Prof. Davide M. Proserpio, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Milan, Italy;
- Prof. Jean-Guillaume Eon, Institute of Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;
- Prof. Stuart Batten, School of Chemistry, Monash University, Australia;
- Prof. Stephen Hyde, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Research School of Physical Sciences Australian National University, Australia;
- Prof. Myoung Soo Lah, Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea;
- Prof. Susan Bourne, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Cape Town, Republic of South Africa;
- Dr. Lucia Carlucci, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Milan, Italy.
Only two participants (from Spain and the UK) of all the invited members couldn’t come to Samara. The British scientist took part in the discussions during online sessions.
The IUPAC project workshop was focused on developing new terminology for a rapidly growing field of theoretical materials science – topological crystal chemistry (at the moment this term isn’t approved yet).
The above mentioned field of chemistry took its rise in the 1990s and continues to gain ground in the world. Now it’s time to adjust a new concepts and terms which have been developed recently. Within the workshop the participants have already found solutions to several issues. The remaining questions will be discussed by the scientists distantly. They will also prepare an article for the IUPAC journal on obtained and expected results of the meeting. Another, special article will be addressed to the experts in this field of science and include the concrete recommendations for use of suggested terminology. It will be published in one of the leading international journals to be much noticed; the researchers will be able to consider our recommendations in their work.
“The workshop was conducted successfully. We managed to do everything we had planned”. – said Prof. Blatov.
Our guests enjoyed the workshop organization and social program that included an excursion to Stalin’s bunker and social dinner on the Volga embankment. Natural and historical sights of Samara impressed our guests. Some participants noted that they would be glad to come to Samara again.
It’s important that young researchers of Samara Center for Theoretical Materials Science took part in the workshop. SCTMS research fellows presented their research results in poster session and attended all sessions of the IUPAC.
“I think that participation in such workshop is a unique school of scientific work for young researchers. Even at representative scientific conference it’s next to impossible to get together several influential scientists for private discussion and young researchers to be involved in this discussion. During two days of the IUPAC project meeting our research fellows could attend all sessions, participate in the discussions and come up with own proposals”. – Prof. Blatov summarized.