Parallel Computing Laboratory
The Laboratory of Parallel Computing activities are aimed to set up and develop the computing cluster “Zeolite”, optimized for high-performance computations in quantum physics and crystal chemistry, including:
procurement of computer, network, electrical and cooling equipment, execution control of orders and installation works;
engineering, installation, testing and diagnostics of server and network hardware, supplier interaction on warranty replacements;
installation, setting and update of firmware, system and additional (cluster resources management system and cluster load monitoring system) software;
installation, setting, compilation and optimization (if necessary) of application software (programs, libraries);
consulting of cluster users on computations performance, front-end and further processing of data.
Current configuration and equipment specifications:
number of computing nodes – 54;
number of cores available for computations x86-64 AVX/AVX2 — 1520;
total memory space – 15 Tbyte;
number of cores within a node – 24/32/64;
a node memory space – 256/512 Gbyte;
data transfer medium - FDR Infiniband 56 Gbps;
aggregate throughput – 12 Tbps;
network storage system — Ethernet 10Gbps;
aggregate throughput – 1,2 Tbps;
number of storage servers – 7;
total capacity of storage system – 120 Tbyte;
total performance of computing nodes AVX (816 cores, test HPL LINPACK) 12TFLOPS
total performance of computing nodes AVX2 (704 cores, test HPL LINPACK) 18TFLOPS
Additional equipment:
uninterruptible power system Eaton Powerware 9355 (2×30 kVA) – 3;
cooling system: precision air conditioners DeLonghi Performer DXO29 (3×29 kW);
auxiliary network: commutators Hewlett-Packard ProCurve 25xx (2×48 GbE).
System software:
OS Ubuntu Linux LTS 16;
Mellanox OFED;
OpenMPI 1.6.5, 1.8.8, 2.0.2, 3.1.0
The main used compilers and libraries:
gcc, g++, gfortran;
FFTW (Fast Fourier Transform library);
ATLAS (Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software);
ScaLAPACK (Scalable Linear Algebra PACKage);
Intel Fortran/C/C++ Composer XE;
Intel MKL (Math Kernel Library).
Application software:
VASP 5.x.x;
Crystal 14;
Quantum Espresso;
Additional software:
SLURM (resource management system);
Ganglia (monitoring system).